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*Open to everyone of the magnetics research community.
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Need to find a roommate for a conference?
Then, make use of the Forums!!!
Hi guys!
I'm Matteo from the university of Bologna. I work on rare-earth-free permanent magnets and I will co-host the SiM event at ICM so feel free to contact me in case you need anything.
See you in Bologna!
Hello everyone , I’m Ginevra and I’m a master student in Bologna
This summer I’ll attend the ICM and will help the Student in Magnetism during their session
Please, feel free to contact me whenever you need and I’ll make sure to help you out in any way I can!
See you soon! :)
Hello everyone !
I am Larbi Dahnoun from SAFRAN Tech, Paris, France. I work in the design of electrical machines for aeronautics.
It will be my first time in Latin America, see you there !
I'm Yuxuan Yao from Beihang University, Beijing, China. I work with spintronics and orbitronics, focus mostly on deposition of magnetic thin films, like magnetic tunnel junction stacks.
I'm thrilled to step on a continent I've never been to, and I'm looking foward to see you guys in Rio!
Hello everyone, I'm Lucas!
I was born in São Paulo - Brazil and currently, I'm a Ph.D. student at the University of Campinas, working with magnetization dynamics and spin textures in multilayered thin films for spintronic applications.
Together with my friend Dr. Alberto Mendonça, we'll be hosting the Students in Magnetism session at INTERMAG 2024, so I look forward to meet you all at Rio de Janeiro and hope that we can exchange many stories about our research experiences! 😄
If you are an atendee to INTERMAG 2024, please subscribe to the [Conference] Intermag 2024 Category of this forum! There, we'll be able to discuss everything related to the conference and your (exciting!) trip to Brazil.
See you all!
My name is Alberto, from the State University of Campinas, Brazil. I am Brazilian and work with Heusler alloy nanowires for the development of a micro energy harvesting device.
I am assisting in organizing the Students in Magnetism section at Intermag 2024. I look forward to meeting many other young scientists in magnetism at the conference.
As a native of Rio de Janeiro, I can help with some tips. I recommend you to submit questions in an appropriate section of this forum, the answer might be helpful for other colleagues. :)
See you soon!
Hello guys! It's María Salvador, from the University of Oviedo. I work with magnetic nanoparticles to develop magnetic biosensors. I belong to the Students in Magnetism, which I recomend you to increase your network of young peers all around the world! 🧲🌍